Tequila Sunrise, 2380
$ 75.00 Log in for your Artist Direct Discount!
About Tequila Sunrise, 2380
Tequila Sunrise, 2380 is a lighter version of Persimmon Strike, 2383, providing more nuance and control to the artist.
Working Tip: Get this color white hot to erase the striking history. A variety of effects are achievable depending on how long you flame/kiln strike.
Artist Description by Mike Shelbo:
"Tequila Sunrise strikes while working the color, but as you get the glass hot enough to be molten it will go clear.
Putting the piece in the kiln at 1075F for different rates of time will strike variations in the color depending on thickness of color application and layering of color throughout the working process. A light yellow transparent will darken to a pinkish orange with subtle reds.
If you return any part of the piece to a molten state it will restart the striking process. I like to use this color without encasement. No need to reduce in the flame or work in an oxidizing atmosphere." - Mike Shelbo