Posted on March 11 2019


Thomas Grimmett


Introducing First-Gen Transparents

Hi Everyone -

In my last blog post I told you big things were in store for 2019 and Phase 2 of our Artist Direct program was coming soon!!  Well, today is the day I get to tell you all about our new product line, First-Gen Transparents!!

So what are First-Gen Transparents?  They are colors made the Old School way.  They are all awesome colors and they cost us less to make, which means we can pass the cost saving on to our customers!!  These colors are now available via

We are kicking things off with 3 colors – Kryptonite, Elixir and Aquamarine.  Our initial testers are stoked...The rods are incredibly workable, vibrant and compatible.  We are really excited about this product line and the opportunity to bring back some old school colors like Kryptonite. The best part is all three of these colors only cost $45 per pound.

The First-Gen Transparents are a great way to stock up on cheap color and grow your point balance with Glass Alchemy.

In the coming months we will be adding new colors to the First-Gen Transparent line, so you have a full palette to choose from.  Be on the lookout for the return of more of your favorite old school GA colors, along with some modern fresh flavors.

We hope you enjoy this new product line!

Peace - Thomas


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